Buy Dimethylphenidate online

Dimethylphenidate is a psychostimulant and a close analog of Methylphenidate and Ethylphenidate.Dimethylphenidate reportedly and according to several studies, has higher affinity for the dopamine transporter, but a lot less activity at the nor-epinephrine receptors, apparently this causes more euphoria, with a lot less jittery/side effects than Methylphenidate.




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it is a legal powder available at Buy Research Chemical USA in the form of white powder of maximum purity 99,9 %. Dimethylphenidate has no comedown and that is why it is so popular nowadays.

Dimethylphenidate is a psychostimulant and a close analog of Methylphenidate and Ethylphenidate.

it reportedly and according to several studies, has higher affinity for the dopamine transporter, but a lot less activity at the nor-epinephrine receptors, apparently this causes more euphoria, with a lot less jittery/side effects than Methylphenidate.



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