Buy Alpha-PVP Drug Online

Difficulty urinating – Higher doses of α-PVP result in an overall difficulty when it comes to urination, an effect that is completely temporary and harmless.
Vasoconstriction – α-PVP can be considered very vasoconstricting at higher doses, and is on par with that of amphetamine and methamphetamine.
Tactile enhancement
Increased heart rate
Increased perspiration
Appetite suppression*/-+
Visual acuity suppression
Focus enhancement
Teeth grinding – This component can be considered to be less intense when compared with that of MDMA.


Buy Alpha-PVP Drug Online


Buy Alpha-PVP Drug Online (also known as A-PVP, Alpha-PVP, α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone or flakka) is a synthetic stimulant drug of the cathinone and pyrovalerone classes. It is chemically similar to other pyrovalerone compounds such as MDPV and cathinone compounds found in the khat plant of eastern Africa. It generally comes in the form of either a crystalline powder or large crystal shards which users can ingest to produce effects which are somewhat similar to that of amphetamine and cocaine.

alpha-PVP Crystals Physical effects
It is capable of becoming overwhelming at higher dosages
Vasoconstriction – α-PVP can be considered very vasoconstricting at higher doses, and is on par with that of amphetamine and methamphetamine.


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