Buy 4-CMC Quality Drug Online

The substance may not be as perfect as mephedrone, but in the near future 4-CMC and CMC-3 will euforykami number one on the Polish scene RC and afterburners.



Buy 4-CMC Quality Drug Online


Buy 4-CMC Quality Drug Online wholesale from the manufacturer, high quality 4-CMC at competitive price with guarantee shipping worldwide.

The IUPAC name for 4-CMC is 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)propan-1-one and the molecular formula is C10H12ClNO.The IUPAC name for 4-CMC is 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)propan-1-one and the molecular formula is C10H12ClNO

The substance may not be as perfect as mephedrone, but in the near future 4-CMC and CMC-3 will euforykami number one on the Polish scene RC and afterburners.

4-CMC Crystals taken orally runs about 2-3 hours. The phase is described as nice, but without a powerful euphoria what is the mephedrone or even 3-MMC. The substance does not spiduje hard, but only intellectually stimulating conversations or promotes creativity. It causes a feeling of relaxation and laziness. Doses of active orally at which to feel the fullness of the substance is 200-300 mg.


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