Buy P2NP Quality Drug Online

1-Phenyl-2-nitropropene is a chemical compound with the chemical formula is C9H9NO2. It can be produced by the reaction of benzaldehyde and nitroethane in the presence of a basic catalyst. In this reaction, the base deprotonates nitroethane to form a resonance stabilized anion.



Buy P2NP Quality Drug Online is a chemical compound with the chemical formula is C9H9NO2.

1-Phenyl-2-nitropropene is a chemical compound with the chemical formula is C9H9NO2. In this reaction, the base deprotonates nitroethane to form a resonance stabilized anion.

1-Phenyl-2-nitropropene is a chemical compound with the chemical formula is C9H9NO2. In this reaction, the base deprotonates nitroethane to form a resonance stabilized anion.

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